زوارنا الكرام المنتدى يعتبر الموقع الأول عربياً وعالمياً في مجال علوم وهندسة المياه ويحتوي على أكبر مكتبة الكترونية مجانية في هذا المجال
ونأمل منكم أن تساهموا معنا في زيادة العلوم والمعرفة الموجودة بالمنتدى بهدف نشر العلم النافع صدقة جارية لكم ولأحبائكم وأن ترفعوا ما لديكم من ملفات ومعلومات على المنتدى
عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله ﷺ قال: إذا مات ابن آدم انقطع عمله إلا من ثلاث: صدقة جارية، أو علم ينتفع به، أو ولد صالح يدعو له، رواه مسلم

برنامج شركة توراي Toray Trak لإدارة تشغيل محطات التناضح العكسي

  • أهلاً بك يا زائر فى منتدى خبراء تكنولوجيا المياه بحلته الجديده يرحب بك دوماً "لاتنسى اضافتنا الى مفضلتك

    أعضاء وزوار المنتدى الكرام يرجى الضغط هنا لإرسال اى أسئله أو طلبات على جروب المنتدى على الفيس بوك والتى تعتبر أكبر تجمع للخبراء والمختصين فى مجال تكنولوجيا المياه وأكبر ساحه للنقاش فى هذا المجال على مواقع التواصل الإجتماعى وإسمها "منتدى خبراء تكنولوجيا المياه WTEF " ويمكنكم الإنضمام الى قناتنا على تليجرام من خلال الضغط هنا


:: المؤسس والمشرف العام على المنتدى ::
طاقم الإدارة
كاتب الموضوع
3 ديسمبر 2023
[h=2]Toray Trak -[/h]The new software, called TorayTrak, is for the data collection, normalization and management of Reverse Osmosis (RO) membranes in plants of any size. The graphs and output of the software will provide operators with crucial information guiding their maintenance and operation plans and optimizing membrane performance for maximum membrane cost effectiveness.
After download and installation of TorayTrak Software you will realize multiple benefits including:

  • Data collection can be done automatically by easy integration with existing plant SCADA instrumentation or can be done with a combination of automatic and manual entry
  • Feature rich graphing capability includes standard normalized data graphs plus over 25 other parameter graphs with integrated presentation tools
  • There are user defined fields to customize unique data collection requirements such as cartridge filter differential pressure or for raw water quality data (SDI and Turbidity)
  • Easy transfer of project data to files using export-import tools
  • Cleaning dates and/or any other events appear on graphs to enable fast cause and effect analysis
  • System can be used for tracking any element type from any manufacturer
TorayTrak Feature List
New Features Version 1.3.29

  • Supports three bank systems
  • Better graph handling, more options, and support for three banks. In addition Specific Flux values can be calculated and displayed for all banks and overall system. Specific flux is actual flux divided by net transmembrane pressure and corrected for temperature. Units are typically lmh/kpa, lmh/bar, or gfd/psi.
  • You can now choose where to save the graph wmf files, plus you can export any graph to jpg format.
Engineering features

  • Based on ASTM Standards
  • Performance warning tools
  • Use for any element from any manufacturer
  • Normalization equations within documentation
  • Not a spreadsheet
Working with your data

  • Automatic data collection
  • Mixed-mode data collection (manual and automatic)
  • Data entry validation warnings
  • Data import/export tools
  • Simple SCADA integration
User Interface & Graphs

  • Graph Manager
  • Integrated presentation graphs
  • Event/change notes integrated with trend graphs
  • Single and multiple records display
System features

  • Local or remote database
  • Password protection
  • Multi-user
  • Dynamically updated user manual
Why take data and normalize data
RO plants should start data collection on the first day of operation, or as soon as possible, and normalize all subsequent data to this start up condition. Temperature, feed pressure and many other variables change over time. Data collection and normalization of these data are critical so that the performance of the plant can be evaluated every day. The use of TorayTrak will enable rapid visibility of plant performance issues. TorayTrak is the best solution available today.
Built on standards
TorayTrak was built based upon ASTM Standard D-4516 and is loaded with features not found in the software offered by other RO membrane manufacturers. It has been designed for ease of use for both data collection and analysis. TorayTrak is a Windows application; it is not a spreadsheet with macros


توقيع : admin
المواضيع المتشابهة المنتدى
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المواضيع المتشابهة